The Story That You Want To Live

What if you don’t know what you want?  What if you’re not even sure who you are?  After all, everyone else knows, right?  Not necessarily.  Many people are living lives that are based on decisions made before their brains were even fully functional.  We’re expected at 18 years old to know what we want to do with our lives.  Many take a leap into a field that they think they want but they don’t really even know who they are and they spend the next decades chasing it.  Many people don’t really know who they are or what they want.  

So first we have to figure out who you are underneath the experiences and the labels that have been piled on top of us.  Underneath all of that is the person we just are.  Then we can dream of things that make that core individual happy.  In the end happiness is the greatest currency, not money or material things, not escape into healthy things used in unhealthy ways.  We do a lot of things trying to make ourselves happy that only last for a minute before they evaporate.  Happiness is an inside game and once we find that we can add things to it that enhance it.  We can’t get it from something or someone else, not in a lasting way.

Happiness is the greatest currency.