Story Matters
Do you own your story? Or does your story own you?
The Stories We’ve Lived.
The past always impacts the present. It often does so in ways that we don’t see, and a good coach can help point out patterns of being that we repeat. We can learn a lot from our pasts, and by processing them we can find a measure of freedom.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves.
Once we process our past we may start seeing that we tell ourselves stories that come from past experiences. Maybe we were told stories about ourselves that we believe or we’re playing out roles from the past.
The Stories We Leave Behind.
Some say that we die twice, once when the body dies, and the second time when our name is no longer spoken. Let’s work together on crafting a better story for your future and leave one behind that is worthy of your name.
My Story
I am an IACC certified life coach. I am a storyteller through podcasts and videos. I’m a husband, a friend, a brother, and a son. I’m also a cult survivor, waking up to the realities of stories and roles given to me as a child that I played out until the age of 38. I’m a change agent, a person that has left a cult and entire belief system and way of being to find myself. I’m debt free, battling through $55,000+ of debt. I’ve lost weight that once accumulated through a period of a deep depression and suicidal ideation during a period of living a story that didn’t fit me.
I’m a person that has lived a particular story and played out roles that were given to me. I listened to the stories that people told me about myself, the world around me, and then I internalized them and they became the stories I told myself. I realized that ultimately this life is my story and no one else’s and that it might look differently if I was the one writing it, so I chose to. I took control of my own story, questioned the stories told to me that I had internalized, and I now live a much better story. When I’m on my deathbed someday I don’t want to look back and say it could have been me, I want to say that it was me, that my life was my own. I want that for you too, and I want to share that life that you lived so that you can live on through your personal story.
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